Negatives about the web:

Negatives about the internet: Hacking and Toolbars.

Internet Hacking is a security context, a hacker is somebody who seaks and who also exploits the use and weaknesses of the internet. Hackers maybe motivated by a number of options such as the challenge, the option, the profit or even to protest something. The subculture of hackers normally revolves around the unknown which is now known due to internet information and also the use of publicising informations about this. A hacker is normally referred to a person of the Computer Underground. Websites which are targeted are the ones who know less about security and understanding to security within the web and within also creating a website. Hackers are normally referred to as somebody who is good with computers and is advanced with computers and ways and means within hacking. They are rarely used within a mainstream context and meaning. This does cause some controversy in the term hacking reclaimed by computer programmers, which argue that people who break in to computers are better being called a ‘Cracker’ who cracks/ hacks computers and software applications. This is also effected around piracy and also forms against the illegal laws of hacking/downloading and does effect me as a designer, due to the means of which can be downloaded such as Programs, Vectors, Files, Brushes via Photoshop so it massively affects me as a designer and a person who designs stuff I need to use all of the above because why would you pay for something which is clearly available illegally which is wrong and websites/companies will lose out via loads of people downloading and this may send them in to liquidation.



Toolbars are a good piece of using browsing via the internet such as Google Toolbars and this is a good clean search engine and which I use often use and set as my homepage via my home personal computer you usually get these via downloading programs and then selecting the add on with the program. Which is a graphical interface which is on a computer monitor which shows a mini version of browsing the web or using a compact apartment for browsing the web but too many toolbars can cause disaster and havoc for a personal users way of using the web if too many are downloaded. The image above shows an example of multiple toolbars downloaded on to a personal users web browser via their internet.  Showing different variations of browsers and this affects me as a designer because of installation with programs and deselecting the add on toolbars and this shows how you can’t browse lots if these are downloaded it will be slow.
In a graphical user interface, on a computer monitor, a toolbar is a GUI widget on which on-screen buttons, icons, menus, or other input or output elements are placed. Toolbars are seen in many types of applications such as office suites, graphics editors, and web browsers. Toolbars are usually distinguished from palettes by their integration into the edges of the screen or larger windows, which results in wasted space if too many underpopulated bars are stacked atop each other (especially horizontal bars on a landscape oriented display) or interface inefficiency if overloaded bars are placed on small windows. This explains what a Toolbar is and the functions of the toolbar via web browsing.

Live Streaming and Online Degrees:

Positives about the internet: Live Streaming and Online Degrees/ Studying online:

Online Degrees is a academic degree usually the transfer of a college degree from high school diplomas and non-degree certificated programs, this can be earned primarily through using a connect computer. Also this is rather then attending a traditional campus setting, these are for flexible time schedules these awards are associated with Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral Degrees, this can benefit for people who have severe disabilities, busy full time employers, soldiers or stay at home parents, also those living abroad. Online colleges such as: University of Liverpool, University of Derby online learning, Online and Distinctive learning degrees, this does not affect me because I am a available to college access and the means or a college environment.

Making it easier for students who can not make it in to a college environment or do nit have the access available to college life be available for them via the internet and online methods of being able to study, if I could not make it in to a college environment then this would affect me and I would have to study/ learn online via these methods above for online degrees.

It’s opening a new world for learning and doing this via online methods and techniques and it shows this is viable to students or people who own a computer and who want to learning, and this shows a clear example that technology and the ways of the web has moved on and also progressed in time and via different amounts of time it has got more progressed to doing multiple ways and means at once via one method, connection and also the use of the web which helps you access these different amount of things and opening a new world to the older generation and the younger generation causing some collision via the younger generations creating new ways and methods within designing and the commercial use of the web which the older generation will not have a clue about adopting a new language and trending within design massively such as the uses of Typography and other Graphic Design elements and processes of words and imagery.

Online Streaming:

Online Streaming/ Live Streaming is, video calls via Skype, MSN and other uses such as TV shows, Football matches and also Music which can be streamed live. HTTP Live Streaming which is also known as HLS which is using media streaming protocols and also implemented by Apple Inc. In transfer by their and Quick Time add on iOS  software. It works by breaking, the overall stream in to a sequence of small HTTP based file downloads, each downloading one short chunk of overall potentially unbounded transport stream.

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With video live streaming channels such as Live YouTube and Live Football channels.

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This is Internet Pros and Cons which shows what is good about the internet and this is the two areas I have chosen within this for this research. Internet streaming such as  programs like Skype, but also live streaming media: which is constantly recieved and presented by a end user. Via Telecommunications, Networks, Radio, Television, non streaming is via, Books, CDs Video Cassettes. Using Messenger Plus is also a live streaming from Messenger to Skype, via the 1.5 version.

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Branding myself through previous Photography work:

Image One manipulated 1 copy Image One manipulated. copy Image One

Using Hue Saturation on the first image, using Photography that I have taken before and that I like re-branding and using my identity to brand it this piece on the left would be my intial design if I was going to use Photography within my work. This one is the original Photo using my same font from my logo design to brand myself and use the same method connecting with all my branding work also using the Warp Tool via Photoshop.

This is original Photography which is Abstract which I liked and I thought I would use as branding to brand myself through this identity I decided to not use Photography in my work because I prefer my  Vector designs much more and think people would get confused with how much I wanted to put in to identifying myself such as Vectors, Photography and Traditional elements also which meant I had no time I would be behind if I wanted to produce new work but I Andy my Tutor said I could use previous work that I liked to show my identity via this method.

Logo branding through various designs:

Logo copy

Working with the Liquify Tool on Photoshop and a Font of: Kristen ITC.

This piece is my logo piece for my branding identity I am going to show various designs below to show how I got this preffered logo design on the left using Liquify to brand myself.

Logo 2 copy

Showing the uses of rearrangement I have decided not to show Photography within my Identity now and also not deciding to use Traditional canvas work only Printmaking methods due to the short amount of time and the time scale I have left.

Logo 3 copy

Font Experimentations:

Font experiment 1 copy Font experiment. copy

Using the font of: Pristina via Photoshop. Using experimentations with the font to connect with design this one is called: Blackadder ITC.

Campaign Plan:

Campaign plan:

My campaign is targeted at Advertising/Illustration Agencies to promote my identity as an artist/designer, This is to promote myself as an illustrator//artist/designer. I will develop a pack containing a Business Card, a Post Card then a letter written on letterheaded paper. It is basically aimed for myself and benefit for designing work and methods of creating solutions within a package of campaign promotion. Planning the process and experimenting with elements. I would like to recieve a phone call, offering me work from one of these companies. However, as I am a student, this is quite a long shot, but I think it is definitely worth a go. By showing I like Fine Art and how painting also plays a massive part in my lifeI will hopefully get feedback from these companies. I only like producing vector work because I took this inspiration from Si Scott a Graphic Designer. I will look to print and send of my work through the post by this using previous work from the Typography project showing Developments and intials from the Typography project for this project developing them further and creating a logo for the bottom of this. Time frame about a week approx.

Additional information:

I will send my work as a postcard design – something really creative and quirky and different – like place it in a box using a netting box method to follow, this will be followed by the time scale for this project. Also providing the intial and developmental ideas I create, the final element to my piece which will be as a Printmaking piece via development and intial work and also to catch there attention I may produce my Illustrative piece using this kind of media because I like the inking method and process that is used via Printing it gives it a traditional feel and a different feel to printer based printing and computer work. I also want to do developmental pieces with Acetate overlay because I like this process and method it’s fun and I like the outcome at the end of this, this would be everything to identify me as a person and also my personality as a person, I can be very expressive with my work and during this assignent it will show the most. I would like to evidence man made things like leaves and wood when painting these items when I am producing my canvas and doing this work for it, I would like to show the use of environmental beauty and experiment with this in various ways and various understandings of my work. I would like a Vector based and Photography outcome and also a add on with my canvas and then scanning this in to work with the post card development for this to identify me as a person who loves Traditional Art but who also loves the uses of Digital Photography and Vector work.

 Life Cycle

Life Cycle by Tom Rushmer, Traditional piece.


Vector piece by Alex Trochut.

These pieces inspire me given the idead for my own identity and own ideas to plan how I will produce my campaign plan and this has also inspired me to look at the artists work above which I found on AOI Portfolios and has give me a idea about my branding of my own work.

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