Research in to Music and Album artwork.

Research in to Music

Music is an art for whose medium are sound and silence projects through different genres; the common elements are harmony, melody, pitch and rhythm, tempo and meter which is a term that music has inherited from the arithmetic influences of poetry. The number of lines in a verse and syllables on a line with the arrangement of those syllables as long and short accented or unaccented, also the articulation of music, which is formed as terms as techniques and also transition or continuity of one single note.

The dynamics in music refers to the volume of a sound or note or can also refer to a given piece or execution either stylistic, staccato, legato or functional velocity within music. Staccato is a musical performance or notation, which refers to music projected through symbols, staccato, is a note that are played or sung smoothly and connected. Legato is the transitions from note to note with no in-between silences. The main points to music the timbre and texture the timbre refers to: tone colour or tone quality of the psycho-acoustics the scientific study of sound perception is the quality of musical note or sound or tone that distinguishes different types of sound production.

To many people and cultures is an important way of their life and culture also social values also connect even non-religious cultures find importance through music. Even the definition of music varies between culture and also social context depending that you worship or even what genre you like to listen too!  Ancient Green and Indian Philosophers defined music as tones ordered and positioned horizontally as melodies and vertically as harmonies prehistoric eras made music by carved bones or findings environmentally from this time. Ancient Egyptian people made music by harps, flutes and double clarinets also percussion instruments. Asian cultures produced music by the mode of chanting also known as monophonic based around a single melody line arithmetically organized through talas which is clapping, The Middle Ages the medieval era started with chanting at Roman Catholic Church Services also monophonic and also liturgical plainsong which is a body of chants used for the Catholic Church. The Renaissance was more focused on secular themes, musicians worked for the church courts and towns and church choirs grew in size but music connection with the church was a patron of music. The Baroque music of era was an artistic style the flourished across Europe. This was including strings, bass, and woodwind as well as choirs pipe organ and also harpsichord and clavichord. Another era of music Classicism the main style of music was Homophony which were prominent melody and which was distinct and clear. Then came along Romanticism which was this was forms of the classical era which was turned in to more passionate and expressive pieces within music aspects also emotional expression the power to describe human truths and feelings. 20th and 21st century music, which was consisted of music listening via the radio also with exploration of new rhythms and computerized experiments artistic forms of music, which are formed as explorations and new rhythms styles and sounds, even different genres.

The innovation of sounds recordings gave the ability to edit music and change it. The genres include Punk Rock, Jazz, Rock Indie, Indie-Rock, Country, Blues, Heavy Metal progressive rock and experimental rock that show the genres, which connect to music.


Influential Artwork, which links to abstract art and link to The Maccabees

The Stone Roses Painting Gridcd-cover The_Stone_Roses_-_Made_of_Stone

This album artwork was produced by John Squire guitarist of The Stone Roses and as a Contemporary of Johnny Marr from The Smiths for his guitar riffs and chiming melodies. Which was influenced me to research The Stone Roses album for The Very Best Of The Stone Roses and the actual album and sequenced artwork to the various albums ‘The Stone Roses’, the following artwork that inspirational which is ‘Crimson Tonight’ and  ‘Garage Flower’. The albums which didn’t take to me where ‘Turns Into Stone’ and also ‘The Complete Stone Roses’ and ‘The Second Coming’.

Indie album covers

Also a big influence of album artwork was ‘Foals, Antidotes’, Foals collaborator ‘Tinhead’ to hold an exhibition in of rare and unseen artwork in London this album artwork was a main influence due to the mouth and how I opinionate this as loud words through simple quite design which is bold and stands put shows the form through the control of simplicity yet complication when it comes to the mouth area, Tinhead is the sleeve designer.


The album artwork and the album title was inspired by the artwork of this album, which is abstract elements of oil spill in the shape of a ‘X’ a variation on the groups white on black ‘X’ logo for the first album. To me this has influenced me for my design work playing around with oil on pavement the album was inspired by the material/ liquid of iridescent oil, photographing this and possible placing this in to Photoshop and messing around with this via manipulation would work well for a album artwork. The only problem I have is I want the whole album to be bright and colourful this works well I am unsure if this would cut it for me. This black on white ‘XX’ album is basic and boring less abstract to how I would make it and less colourful to how I would make it with the limitations of black and white which basic to me since I like to experiment with colour a lot the form is basic I thought I would evidence this to show variation but to also show things that also do not appeal to me as a Artist and Designer.



Kele Okereke’s writing examined the use of it being focused around the feelings and hopes of young adults. Which is my favourite album showing an environmental scene, which looks to be photographed, shows the expression of world teenage and young adult situations the leading song ‘Like Eating Glass’ was a remix arrangement from The Smiths ‘There is A Light That Never Goes Out’.


Young Colossus story and lead vocals by Orlando Weeks lead vocalist of The Maccabees also instrumentation by Orlando Weeks and Nic Nell Illustration by Robert Hunter and additional vocals by Alessi Laurent-Marke. Inspiration from the start of the project to make my album cover be as abstract and as different to this with shapes and objects and environments based around the ideas and based from the story of ‘Young Colossus’. I have chosen to base my work around this and ‘The Maccabees’ to show the use of transformation between the band and this illustrated and recorded piece of work.

Placebo_-_Meds_Single tumblr_mazadnFGHO1rf9p9qo1_1280

Placebo album ‘Meds’ is actually a really good album I have them on my Ipod I chose to research this album artwork because of the surreal Photography and out of focus elements that focus on the piece somehow looks demonic and unusual this is why I chose to focus on this piece it’s because the band recorded a more electronic side keyboard driven sound on Meds so it album artwork shows the changes from back to basics to the transformation from this album to the new developed sound. The ‘Meds’ single features all the band members blurred faces on the front cover also featuring on the actual main album.


I decided to research this because of the psychedelic approach and abstract approach to this album I do like Super Furry Animals I think they’re decent but not the best selection to my music taste, I like the Illustrations to this album artwork. The 12-inch vinyl version on the right hand side and the other album artwork is for a studio album on the left hand side. The long time sleeve designer Pete Fowler designed this album artwork.























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